Monday 17 May 2010

Journey of the Holy Druid; Part 1

The idea was inspired by someone who hit his head in a cave this one time, but it's a good idea nevertheless - I thought that I'd do a small project on my 5 year journey in WoW. The long, arduous trip that, while could have been spent a bit better in the real world, has been a journey of great fun and enjoyment, with different wonders such as my first Deadmines run, bumping into Hogger, the great event of hitting level 60, and so on.

For those of you who don't know anything about who I am or what I do ingame, the title of a Holy Druid might seem confusing. There is nothing Holy about a Druid! They hug trees, when not already trees, and emanate green glowy lights from their hands (or bluey-white), not yellow light! It's quite simple really, for about 4 years of my time on WoW, my Druid has been my main, I've been class leader for Druids in 3 separate guilds, and have avidly stuck to them... Until my Paladin came along. And I know he's more Protection than Holy, but I just felt that it fitted more in the title, so shoot me and feign death.

I originally got the game way back in December 2004, and could have signed up for the EU beta. But being back in 2004 I was a mere 12 years of age. I didn't have a source of income to provide for this game, and I hadn't realised at the time there was going to be a subscription, I just thought it would be like WC3 but in a more RPG style, with a free section of it like Runescape had! I was young and naive! Don't hit me because I based it off Runescape. Anyway, now that I was 13 I could start a paper round and have responsibility. I started to earn, and it was actually in March that I thought I'd give WoW a go, now that I'd had a bit of surplus money. In the 3 months I had looked up around the game (from the little bible that you got with the original game), I felt that the way of the Paladin was the best way for me to go.

He could wear the best armor in the game, he was a "tough melee fighter" and "has a useful mix of healing and defensive spells". He seemed like the GOD of the different classes I looked up about. Besides, I always loved the Paladins from the RTS. And as of that moment, the Human Paladin known as Racako was born (I didn't really feel that the Dwavres were that idealistic as Humans were). I watched through the opening Human cinematic with jaw-dropping awe. This was going to be a helluva lot better than Runescape, I seem to remember thinking to myself. Eventually I zoomed into Northshire and my character, and I could move around.

As most other people in the zone saw first, was this guy in armor with a big ! over his head. I went over to him and right clicked on him, he told me to go round the corner to another guy who needs help with some wolves. I thought to myself "Ok, why couldn't the wolf guy just be where this guy is? Who cares this is friggin' AWESOME" and then went toward Peltskinner. I got scared of the level 2 wolves (as I was level 1) and made sure to keep my distance from them. Got the quest from Eagan and I had to kill those very wolves.

I edged up ever so slowly to them, and then realised "Hey! These guys don't actually attack me if I go near to them!" So I ran around in glee around them jumping all over the place without actually hitting any of them. And then I found out right clicking also make you attack things as well as talk to them. So I bludgeoned a wolf in the face, and a fair chunk of his health went down, especially in comparison to how much my health went down in comparison when he hit me. I felt on top of the world! I took on TWO wolves! Both level 1 though. I felt like challenging a level 2 if I was lucky. And then the best thing in the world happened to me. Gold flooded my character, a sound rang through my ears... And I was level 2!

I'd get to level 60 in no time at this rate! I had to kill, what, 8 mobs? That means I'd be 60 in around 500 kills, right? Little bit of a task, but I was sure I could do it. I just kept on killing thes- Oh, quest done. Handed it in as I saw some nice armor there from the reward. Then I eventually found the quest to go and kill Kobolds, and got confused as to why some Kobolds gave me parts of quest completion and others didn't. I hadn't realised at the time that Vermin was the type of kobolds, not something to generally call them. But I killed and I killed, and then I realised that I had a spell called Seal of Righteouness. I realised I killed slightly faster, and I had yellow numbers as well as my usual white numbers do damage.

I soon realised that every level takes longer than the previous, which annoyed me at first, but then thought it was logical really. Anyway, I was soon out of Northshire, and ready to take on the rest of Elwynn Forest! At which point I promptly died to one too many wolves just outside the gates. Back onto the road and I followed the path down to Goldshire.

This is where things start getting a bit hazy for me, but I do remember general noobishness such as running west instead of east for some quests (although through that, a very nice level 37 Warrior named Wallace helped me out a bit), pulling way too many mobs and finding out the hard way that healing is impossible when that happens (days of infinite pushbacks on spells) and spending most of the time trying to save up for the Tabar from the vendor to replace the shovel I'd gotten from the kobolds. I was scared stiff of Jasperlode mine in the "west", and then Hogger and the gnolls terrorised me in the "east". Going south and there were skull levelled mobs, so I turned around there, and I spent my days until level 13 in a small pocket of Elwynn Forest...

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